Most often heralding childhood joy and inner child healing, The Sun card also can mean a celebration of a new beginning, euphoria rooted in the present, and connection to ones inner spark, as well as creativity and inspiration. This card also usually speaks about manifestation, which as a messenger of the gods and between realms makes sense. Some popular tarot lovers include Cupid and Venus. For the purpose of this article, the list is not restricted to one mythology or religious tradition. This of course includes pregnancy! Justice is depicted as a seated figure with scales in one hand and a raised sword in the other hand. The Two in this suit, often portrayed as crossed wands, imply a deadlock due to energies working at cross-purposes. January 6, 2023. The other 56 cards, the Minor Arcana, describe the people, events, feelings, and circumstances we encounter on our personal 'Fool's Journey'. Their approach is slow and eye-opening, as is the knowledge of The Hierophant. We may not always get clear answers from them as to their name, their culture, or their general domains or stories. It is important to take all of the cards into consideration when determining the traits you have been shown. She is the goddess of what does not belong to man, of what man cannot and must not control or violate, the most mysterious part of Gaia, her green heart. It's a monthly Newsletter. This card is optional and I only recommend pulling this card if you are considering working with the deity you have identified. This makes her the perfect Empress, the Mother of us all, the powerful empress of the tarot deck. But what do you do now? While the feminine deities associated with the suit of Cups are typically about love and motherhood, the masculine deities are more about care, compassion, protection, and fatherhood. Avoiding responsibility. You have your notes. As I previously mentioned, these are merely a starting point for your deity work and practice. Dont limit yourself, let your imagination and intuition lead you! As the goddess of the hunt, the moon, wild animals, the wild overall, and protector of maidens. Poseidon touched the kingdom of water. Taurus is often focused on for their more Venusian approach to the world, but they are nonetheless deeply rooted in the wisdom of tradition. When The Emperor appears it can mean asserting power confidently, authority, successful forward movement, etc. Together they managed to defeat Kronos. She is a competitive, vindictive goddess who rushes towards her goal without letting herself be distracted by anything. All three are associated with both knowledge and wisdom in different ways within their respective lore. The Moon Strength. The Tower speaks of sudden and often unpredictable changes, truths, and chaos revealed. Artemis, along with her maidens move through the world on their own terms. Hekate as the Greek goddess of the moon, prophecy, witchcraft, and death, also rules over the occult and is known as the mother of witches. It is almost exclusively the act of speaking: divine figures say it is so, and it is so. If you want to know which deities are associated with tarot cards, this is the right article for you. August 25, 2021. What is Athena's tarot card? About Tarot Deities With Cards Associated . Gods / Goddesses . The Deity Identification Spread was published in 2013. For this card, I chose The Morrigan, an Irish goddess of war, sovereignty, destiny, and death. A tarot reading is a great way to find inspiration in these interesting times. Reading Disclaimer | Privacy Policy |Contact | About LB | Safer Space Policy| Creators & Contributors Credit. You never know what can come through in a tarot reading, or who. This can give you a fuller picture of the deity you are dealing with. You have your spread. Her delivery of justice is both humbling and fair. Justice: Lugh, Aengus Og, The Morrigan, Nemesis, Inanna, Themis, Ma'at, Nike, Athena, . Both this card and its associated deity dont necessarily have a good image painted of them. The symbol of venus on the empresss side and the flowers on their dress, possibly roses, connect directly to Aphrodite and Freya. Apollo as The Sun brings the valuable reminder of living a life full of joy and creative expression. All of these qualities match up quite well with the energy of the Queen of Swords, Deity Associations: Odin, Hephaestus, Thoth, Osiris. Be careful with your bias and hopes. Tarot is a wonderful divination tool that can help us see into the future. So, deities like Mars, Ares, Set, and Nergal all fight into this card within this symbolism. REVERSED: Financially inept, obsessed with wealth and status, stubborn. Hades controlled the kingdom of the dead. If youre a witch or spiritual practitioner who works with particular deities, knowing their associated cards in tarot can give you a better understanding of who they are, how they were seen historically, how to work better/connect with them, etc. Neither is seen as above or below each other, rather both are necessary components for the miracle of life. More. Look into their signs, symbols, and traits. This spread may give you an answer but it is up to you to dig deeper into those answers. There are many versions of Zeus childhood and growth. For some, she might represent femininity, power, and guidance. She currently resides in central California with her handsome ginger tabby, Tabasco. Hermes is known for many things. Residing in the underworld, he is also a messenger of the gods much like Hermes and crosses the bridge of the dream world and the underworld bringing divine messages and insight. Four total cards represent traits or aspects of the deity while two other cards represent symbols of the deity. Still, others say that a Nymph would have raised him. The information on divination, tarot, rituals, magick and spirituality shared on is provided for general and educational purposes only. The Irish mythology includes a lot of magic, curses and blessings. Tarot Decks Norse Tarot deities list Rhiannon #1 In response to a request! A peaceful yet sombre looking figure holding a lantern in one hand and a tall wooden staff in the other. Pan is not only a lookalike of the devil, but he presents the same draining and obsessive, wild and promiscuous energy of the devil. balance, peace, moderation, patience, and harmony. Southern Hemisphere Dates . Required fields are marked *. They represent archetypal energies that we all experience at some point in our lives. Deities: the Dagda, Danu, Lugh, Macha, Sucellus. The association between the god of vegetation, animals, and uncontaminated nature and the Devil of the tarot tradition finds its origin in the medieval Christian interpretation of the figure of Pan, a pastoral and rural god of a world without laws, of pure enjoyment and wildness. Which deity is associated with the Magician tarot card? Hopefully this can help you tell which God is reaching out to you :), The Fool: Pan, Zeus, Dionysus, Loki, Hermes, The High Priestess: Hekate, Selene, Isis, Artemis, Freya, Ganesha, Tsukiyomi, The Empress: Aphrodite, Hera, Freya, Frigg, Isis, Hathor, Durga, Astarte, Demeter, Ishtar Isis is a goddess of magic and wisdom and is said to be a protector of kingdoms. Acknowledge the friends and others who were loyal to you during the difficult times. A good Tarot book can completely transform your ideas about the 78 cards and their meanings. Pinterest. She also corresponds to the element of water, which signifies her ability to calm and soothe. The Tower The Tower is one of the other feared cards in the Major Arcana as it represents destruction that happens unexpectedly. Frame the card (s) in a photo frame to place upon your Altar in the space you dedicate to God energy. Those characteristics then need to be applied to card one for a fuller picture. Visit the Forum to discuss this topic and others! Gather your dreams and get ready. The astrological energy of Uranus speaks of abrupt and big change, forward momentum, and innovation, among many things. The Empress is not known for holding back and neither are they. It also includes more long-term relationships such as patron and matron deities that help with spiritual growth and personal development. Male: Horus, Hades, Pluto, Yahweh Number The number of The Judgement card is 20 . This is the suit of enterprise and risk-taking. Athena is a goddess of warfare and strategy, often shown holding a weapon of some kind, and she has a feline guardian connected to her. Tarot cards in this suit typically depict people in a loving or sexual relationship. She is also associated with the herb mint, which is strongly connected to abundance. The High Priestess holds the mysteries of the world inside of her. A List of 5 Deities Associated with the Moon [With Stories]. Stones: amethyst, sapphire, lapis lazuli. . King of Pentacles Description. slowing down, putting something on hold, and coming to a halt. If you enjoyed reading this, then you will enjoy the following articles. As mentioned before, this card is optional and is not shown in the spread image above. It only points to their possible strengths and domains of divinity. Cancer may be gentle, loving, and nurturing, but they are a fierce protector and ultimately desire to create and find a sanctuary where they can truly feel and express themselves. The Emperor Upright As the father figure of the Tarot deck, The Emperor suggests that you are adopting this fatherly role (regardless of whether you are male or female), providing for your family, and protecting and defending your loved ones. Fate and fortune transform our lives in divine timing no matter what, as the wheel keeps spinning. Another way of doing this is to look at the overall archetype of "young warrior" as distinct from a King. This makes her perfectly in tune with the Moon. He sacrificed his hand so that the evil Fenris wolf may be bound. Justice deals with the communication and harmonising aspects of relating and the legal side of marriage whereas The Hierophant deals with the wedding rites and traditions. Weekly tarot reading has brought up the card "Page of Wands" for the air element associated with zodiacs, i.e. With The Hanged One there is no speeding ahead, no shortcut to their lessons or state of being. Whichever one it is, take this as an invitation to step out of your comfort zone with your craft and embrace the opportunity to enter deeper into different perspectives. The World V of Wands. Some interpretations of the Lovers card suggest that it represents a person who is compassionate and nurturing, but also passionate and sexual. Watch popular content from the following creators: Chaos Occultist(@chaos_occultist), Kota(@thatwitchkota), Vincent(@moonwaterwitch), l(@luneskaa), Xena/Scythe(@strongwilledprincess), Lady Azira Infernal(@ladyazira), Chaos Occultist(@chaos_occultist), Mystic Twilight . Rhiannon, as the Celtic goddess of primarily horses and then sovereignty, is also associated with the moon (which is ruled by Cancer in astrology). Hermes, because of the deep wisdom of the journey, often blesses one with and represents, and Nike because of her rulership over victory, and therefore successful completion. Anubis is the god of the afterlife in Egyptian lore. (RNS) If there's one thing pagans, witches, brujas and other spiritual folk agree on as they look ahead and make predictions for the year of 2023, it's . The Greek goddess Artemis, although associated with the moon, is also one that I and perhaps many others see as a goddess embodying independence, self-compassion, and the spirit of unapologetic courage. A prophetic goddess who could shed light on the rules of fate, she also assisted mankind in knowing how to provide good governance, hospitality and offerings to the gods. Tarot for Meditation & Journeying (to Work with Gods and Goddesses) Another way to use tarot or oracle to . Grand transformation can not happen without these virtues and necessary stages. Tarot cards have a strong deep connection with some deities but, to be honest, only some are truly connected in a natural, meaningful way to specific deities. In Egyptian mythology, Osiris is associated with the fertility of the Nile River delta. The image of the person leaning down gently holding the lions face speaks of facing ones own fears and shadow. Hopefully this can help you tell which God is reaching out to you :) . Roman: Pan, Silvanus, Aeolus Greek: Pan, Aeolas, Zeus 1. Aphrodites romantic and pleasure-centred approach to things embodies the passion and desire of The Lovers for maintaining love within oneself and around them no matter what direction one takes in life. Symbolism-wise, the depiction of all four suits of the tarot and the five elements can be interpreted as symbolizing his power as a messenger and divine traveller between peoples and realms. Nothing escapes her watchful eye and no one walks away unscathed. Being burdened with work and responsibilities. Justice is traditionally the eighth card, and Strength the eleventh, but the influential Rider-Waite-Smith deck switched the position of these two cards in order to make them better fit the astrological correspondences worked out by the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, under which the eighth card is associated with Artemis always gets what she wants and mercilessly punishes anyone who disrespects her or any of her nymph sisters. He represents the possibility of change and new beginnings. Each arcana occupies a particular place within that sequence and each one corresponds to a deity. In Norse mythology, he is a guardian of Earth and humans. Perhaps it is ironic that Lucifer came to mind considering the Smith-Waite imagery depicts the angel Gabriel. Ma'at is the Egyptian deity / concept of "justice"/"truth"/"order"/"balance".- and for modern Kemetics, their practice centers largely around Ma'at. Rainy Day Magic Spell to Wash Away Your Worries. 3 Powerful Deities for Fertility [& How to Ask for Their Favors]. Ruling over discipline, maturity, and structure (among many things), the astrological energy of Saturn in The World brings to our attention the growth weve had and lessons weve learned as we reach the end of our journey or are about to embark on a new one. Tap into the divine masculine energy of crystals for pagan gods and male deities including Zeus, Ganesha, Thoth and Odin. Adonis - greek god of rebirth and vegetation; worshipped in mystery religions for untold eons Apollo - greek/roman young solar god; god of light, truth, and prophecy; god of archery, medicine, and healing; god of music, poetry, and the arts Anubis - egyptian god of the dead Aten - egyptian . Terms of Use Beltane - April 30th/May 1st. If you know who the deity is then you have a decision to make. The Magician is associated with the tarot card The Tower, which suggests that he can help us navigate through difficult times. We see him depicted in Celtic art, sometimes called Cernunnos - but know little of his history or worship. But although Justice can mean justice in that sense, Nemesis teaches one to re-evaluate the concept of justice as most of us have come to know and think of it. IV of Wands III of Swords. This method is not without its difficulties and you should be aware of common issues that may arise. Having The World card appear in a reading can indicate travel (usually long distance), a victory, the completion of a lesson or chapter, or a coming of age of some kind. transition, embracing change, transformation, new beginnings, and letting go, Hekate, Persephone, Osiris, Nepthys, Sekhmet. Plants: shamrock, clover, oak, verbena, cedar, betony, dandelion, fir, meadowsweet. Worrying what other people think of you. While similarly, the Norse goddess Freya is known as ruling over beauty, fertility, love, passion, magic, and much more! Osiris is the god of fertility, agriculture, and resurrection. As a god of health, he also had the power to send evil to those he wanted to punish. You can often find her baking cookies and dancing/singing to 90s music. While Persephone is the Queen of the underworld in Greek mythology, she is also a goddess of spring and when she comes back up from the underworld each spring is when the plants and flowers come back to life. A long-term relationship with a deity can include devotion, worship, and symbiotic relationships that involve offerings. Find us on: 5 Powerful Deities That are Associated with Cats, A List of 4 Deities Associated with Peacocks [With Stories], 3 Deities for Connecting with Nature [How to Approach Them], 3 Powerful Deities for Fertility [& How to Ask for Their Favors], A List of 5 Deities Associated with the Moon [With Stories]. 2. Deities associated with The Empress Egyptian Gods Hathor Goddess of Love Greek Gods Aphrodite Goddess of Love Flora and Fauna of The Empress Perfume Sandalwood Myrtle Precious Stone Emerald Emerald is the colour of Venus in the King Scale. As well as a variety of ways you can gain a deeper understanding of the cards. With the rising popularity of divination, a host of new designers, mystics and artists are trying their hand at creating beautiful tarot decks. Now you have time to reflect on your life, a tarot reading is great for giving focus, new direction and inspiration. You can check out our course on Goddesses from around the world to get you started. Related: About Tarot Deities With Cards Associated . Nothing and no one can contain them or steer them off their journeys. Frigg is the goddess of childbirth, motherhood, and wisdom. He is also the guide to the spirit world and can help us access our inner wisdom. Heres a free download with a complete set of cards to start reading Tarot. Being task-oriented. From that moment, Zeus began to reign on Mount Olympus, considered sacred by the Greeks. The Magician is the archetype of guidance and knowledge. It is important to put aside your preconceived notions and prior knowledge when approaching this spread. Tarot Daily is a resource that is focused on Tarot. The Justice card is closely connected to The High Priestess through its cross sum . You even have an idea of who is reaching out to you. Waiting for their big break. We are only human. Its your practice, so do what feels right for you. Although Cancer is most often portrayed as gentle, one must never forget that Cancer is the cardinal sign of the water element. Thoth is the god of writing, science, and judgment. Discover short videos related to deity with justice tarot on TikTok. These two deities are both associated with the more protective nature of the King of Wands. Deities Associated With Friday - Aphrodite, Greek Goddess of Love. This card indicates change, and for the sign of Cancer, the Chariot reflects the sign's . Heather Greene. He is often associated with strength, might, and courage. Justice represents Balance, Justice, Decision, Cause and Effect, Ethics, Legal Concerns, Divine Balance. As much as The Lovers live embracing their desires, they must also cultivate and sustain their ability to meet them. Persephone being both the Greek goddess of the underworld and spring, highlights rebirth and blossoming that follows death and transformation. But the importance of chaos and the sudden need to rebuild is the part of what makes the lessons of The Tower and Loki all that more important. The Strength cards significance is mainly inner strength, compassion, and courage. Regardless of what you see her as, the High Priestess is an important figure in tarot cards and deserves her own blog section. 22 Major Arcana Cards: The Fool, the Magician, the High Priestess, the Empress, the Emperor, the Hierophant, the Lovers, the Chariot, Strength, the Hermit, the Wheel of Fortune, Justice, the Hanged Man, Death, Temperance, the Devil, the Tower, the Star, the Moon, the Sun, Judgment, and the World Gabriel - Her name means "God is my strength After a . These may be individual traits in each card or multiple traits across all cards. If you are looking to connect with themes of beauty in a non-romantic setting, the charms of the Charites (Gratiae or the Graces in Roman pantheons) assisted with providing service to others and connecting with nature. Cerridwen is the goddess of witches in Celtic lore, but she is a goddess of creativity, which is associated with the Queen of Pentacles as well. She is the female figure who represents spiritual enlightenment, mystery, and knowledge. Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. The characteristics from cards two through five will all coexist. Use this spread as a starting point for further deity work if thats what you desire. The Magician Mercury Egyptian: Ptah, Thoth Roman: Mercury Greek: Hermes 2. December Full Moon Magic: Water & Candle Ritual, Full Hunters Moon Ritual & Spell (October). Tina Caro is a passionate solitary witch, an astrologer, a yogi, and she's a passionate supporter of all things holistic! Mars in this energy is ambitious in their destruction because ultimately they want to succeed and be victorious in expanding and growing like Lokis unique approach to truth. However, you can also use tarot when trying to identify a deity that may be reaching out to you. Deity Associations: Frigg, Brigid, Aphrodite, Hathor. As a larger known deity, we also have Themis, who was the goddess of law and order. The deities are not categorized by culture or origin. Although The Star is ruled by the sign of Aquarius, Astrea as a celestial deity is associated with the element of air. Deity Associations: Anubis, Balder, Khonsu, Anubis. The High Priestess is a card of divine knowledge, prophecy, liminal understanding, power, and magick. Neith is connected to the creation of the universe in Egyptian mythology and is heavily associated with creation and hunting, both of which are part of abundance. The cards astrological association with the Moon calls forth the unapologetically blunt truths and lessons that Hekate brings to our attention. Others say that he was raised by a goat. In the wild unknown and excitement of the journey, the Greek deity Hermes and the Roman god Janus came to me as embodying The Fool. Today. In her spare time, she likes to read, write, and get out to enjoy the beauty of nature. But like a growing number of readers and witches, I have a different perspective. Your intuition will be key in identifying a God or Goddess that has made themselves known to you. General deities were known by the Celts throughout large regions, and are the gods and goddesses called upon for protection, healing, luck . Exercise your imagination and create an abundant, sustainable, and enjoyable lifestyle (or relationship) for yourself. The Devil is associated with the vulture, as the vulture literally waits around for other beings to pass on so it can feed on it. Justice gods (3 C, 34 P) Pages in category "Justice deities" The following 7 pages are in this category, out of 7 total. The snake also points to rebirth and transformation. Justice is the twelfth card in the Tarot Deck. Fool = Balder Magician = Odin High Priestess = Frigga Empress = Freya Emperor = Tyr High Priest (Hierophant) = Frey Lovers = Freya and Brisingaman Chariot = Thor Justice = Forseti Hermit = Heimdall Wheel = the Norns Strength = Binding of Fenris Hanged Man = Odin's sacrifice Although the Sun and Moon are not technically planets, they are still included in this group and given special importance as 'luminaries'. Hekate is also said to rule over justice. As a child she recognized the magic in everything, especially writing. This is the first card you will pull. Many fear this card or even go as far as to associate it with evil. Deities associated with The Chariot Egyptian Gods Khephra. Deity Tarot Spread with 7 Cards: Identify a God or Goddess Posted on May 9, 2022 in Tarot Spreads & Rituals Tarot is a wonderful divination tool that can help us see into the future. The Emperor is the most powerful tarot card. This tarot card is known for bringing significant progress in one's life. they use their creative works & magic as a form of resistance and healing. The inner strength and courage of Leo are passionate, unwavering, bold, and unapologetic. The Devil card can mean liberation, sovereignty, desire, passion, and indulgence (which is not a bad thing), and can be a very powerful card to work with. Making other people happy instead of themselves. Justice as both a concept and a card in tarot typically brings to mind the laws and justice systems we are most familiar with in the world we live in. Do not stop at one tarot reading just because you got your answer. If you want to know which deities are associated with tarot cards, this is the right article for you. The Empress is one of the most desired cards in tarot. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Sign up to join the Infinite Roots Coven and get access to all exclusive content while keeping Spells8 ad-free! Incorporating deities is a particularly powerful layer of knowledge one can add to their relationship with tarot. Card one is the beginning of the spread, but the rest of the cards will feed back into that first one. You deserve this happiness. . This card is meant to represent the deity as a whole. It can also be a useful guide for self-reflection and exploration. Its also important to note that this article and the imagery described or associated with a particular deity or deities is based on the Smith-Waite tarot deck (also known as the Rider-Waite deck). The Empress can be used for readings about relationships, self-confidence, creative expression and healing. Performance-punishment. Deity Associations: Persephone, Neith, Cerridwen, Sathis. The Moon card often speaks of the subconscious, dreams, the astral realm, secrets, and even deep-seated fears and anxiety. A homebody at heart, she loves anything to do with making the home more magical. Hermes, aka Mercury aka Thoth is the deity associated with the Magician tarot card. This includes working with deities for short amounts of time such as for spells and rituals. The Lovers is one of the two tarot suits, and as such it is associated with love, relationships, and sexuality. Aestrea, not to be confused with Asteria (THE goddess of stars in the Greek pantheon), is a Greek goddess who became associated with the stars and celestial realm, after Zeus transformed her into the constellation of Virgo. You are dealing with can be used for readings about relationships, self-confidence, creative expression healing. 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