The first step towards unstoppable power is enabling The Witcher 3's debug console to allow access to cheats. addHair1 - Gives Geralt his default hair. Teleports your character to White Orchard. If the console starts up, then congratulations. As this is not a Witcher Item, it can't be upgraded in the current version of the game. Down below are the details mentioned step by step for your better understanding. Increases toxicity by 25. Increases toxicity by 25. The Witcher 3 console commands: How to become the fantasy horse whisperer By Funk Joseph last updated March 24, 2022 Get a haircut instantly, dismember your enemies, unlock every door, add. Requiem (solo Version Sheet Music), Find a list of all NPC spawn codes at Zabit Magomedsharipov Height, Patron Saint Of Leadership, This console command will set your health to full. Increases health regeneration by 40. 4 pieces. The amount of experience you wish to gain (e.g. The minute to set - e.g. The Witcher 3 is a truly massive RPG full of magical beasts, fantasy drama, and at least one excellent tub. Increases health by 650. additem ('Mushroom') - Mushroomif(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'okaygotcha_com-banner-1','ezslot_18',600,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-okaygotcha_com-banner-1-0'); additem (' Grilled pork ') - Grilled pork, additem (' Baked potato ') - Baked potato, additem (' Raspberry juice ') - Raspberry juice, Additem('Fried roasted chicken leg') - Fried chicken leg, additem ('Free nilfgaardian lemon') - Nilfgaardian lemon, additem ( 'Toussaint saddle') - grape saddle, additem ( 'Toussaint saddle 2') - Tussentskoe saddle, additem ( 'Toussaint saddle 3') - Boklerskoe saddle, additem ( 'Toussaint saddle 4') - saddle of Kadi Myrkvid, additem ('Toussaint saddle 5') - saddle of the wandering knight, additem ('Toussaint saddle 6') - saddle of five virtues, additem ('Horse Saddle 4') - Zerrican saddle, additem ('Tourney Geralt Saddle') - Saddle of Geralt, additem ( 'Toussaint horse blinders') - grape blinders, Toussaint horse blinders additem ('Toussaint horse blinders 3') - Boxler blinders, additem ('Toussaint horse blinders 4') - blinders from Kaed Myrkwood, additem ( 'Toussaint horse blinders 5') - blinker knight errant, additem ( 'Toussaint horse blinders 6') - blinker five dorbodeteley, additem ( 'Horse Bag 3') - zerrikanskie saddlebags, additem (gwint_card_emhyr_bronze) - Emgir Var Emreis (bronze), additem (gwint_card_emhyr_gold) - Emgir Var Emreis (gold), additem (gwint_card_emhyr_silver) - Emgir Var Emreis (silver), additem (gwint_card_eredin_bronze - Eredin (bronze), additem (gwint_card_eredin_gold) - Eredin (gold), additem (gwint_card_eredin_silver) - Eredin (silver), additem (gwint_card_foltest_bronze) Foltest (bronze), additem (gwint_card_foltest_gold) - Foltest (gold), additem (gwint_card_foltest_silver) - Foltest (silver), additem (gwint_card_francesca_bronze) - Francesca Findabair (bronze), additem (gwint_card_francesca_gold) - Francesca Findabair (gold), additem (gwint_card_francesca_silver) - Francesca Findabair (silver), additem (gwint_card_avallach) - Card of Avalakh, additem (gwint_card_ciri) - Card of Ciri, additem (gwint_card_draug) - Card Draug, additem (gwint_card_eithne) - Card of Eithne, additem (gwint_card_esterad) - Map of Esterad, additem (gwint_card_geralt) - Geralt card, additem (gwint_card_imlerith) - Imlerich card, additem (gwint_card_iorveth) - Iorveth card, additem (gwint_card_isengrim) - Isengrim card, additem (gwint_card_kayran) - Card of Keiran, additem (gwint_card_leshen) - Leshy's card, additem (gwint_card_letho) - Card Summer, additem (gwint_card_menno) - Map of Monno, additem (gwint_card_moorvran) - Card Morvan, additem (gwint_card_natalis) - Natalis card, additem (gwint_card_philippa) - Map of Philippa, additem (gwint_card_tibor) - Card Tibor, additem (gwint_card_triss) - Triss card, additem (gwint_card_vernon) - Vernon card, additem (gwint_card_yennefer) - Yennefer card, additem (gwint_card_clear_sky) - Clear sky, additem (gwint_card_horn) - Commander's horn, additem (gwint_card_scorch) - Execution, additem (gwint_card_arachas_behemoth) - Huge head eye, additem (gwint_card_catapult) - Catapult, additem (gwint_card_catapult2) - Catapult 2, additem (gwint_card_combat_engineer) - Minesweeper, additem (gwint_card_dun_banner_medic) - Doctor of the brown banner, additem (gwint_card_earth_elemental) - Earth elemental, additem (gwint_card_fire_elemental) - Fire elemental, additem (gwint_card_heavy_zerri) - Large Fire Scorpion, additem (gwint_card_ice_giant) - Ice giant, additem (gwint_card_rotten) - Rotten petraria, additem (gwint_card_siege_support) - Siege support, additem (gwint_card_siege_tower) - Siege tower, additem (gwint_card_zerri) - Fire scorpion, additem (gwint_card_barclay) - Barclay Els, additem (gwint_card_ciaran) - Kiaran Aep, additem (gwint_card_dol_infantry) - Dol Blatanna Pathfinder (1), additem (gwint_card_dol_infantry2) - Dol Blatanna Pathfinder (2), additem (gwint_card_dol_infantry3) - Dol Blatanna Pathfinder (3), additem (gwint_card_filavandrel) - Filavandrel, additem (gwint_card_vrihedd_brigade) - Vrihedd brigade, additem (gwint_card_vrihedd_brigade2) - Brigade vrihedd, additem (gwint_card_archer_support) - Lunar support (1), additem (gwint_card_archer_support2) - Lunar support (2), additem (gwint_card_assire) - Assire Var Anagid, additem (gwint_card_black_archer) - Brown Banner Archer (1), additem (gwint_card_black_archer2) - Brown Banner Archer (2), additem (gwint_card_celaeno_harpy) Cheleno harpy, additem (gwint_card_cockatrice) - Basilisk, additem (gwint_card_crinfrid) - Rubails from Kinfrid (1), additem (gwint_card_crinfrid2) - Rubails from Kinfrid (2), additem (gwint_card_crinfrid3) - Rubails from Kinfrid (3), additem (gwint_card_dol_archer) - Dol Blatanna Archer, additem (gwint_card_elf_skirmisher) - Elven skirmisher (1), additem (gwint_card_elf_skirmisher2) - Elven skirmisher (2), additem (gwint_card_elf_skirmisher3) - Elven skirmisher (3), additem (gwint_card_endrega) - Endriaga, additem (gwint_card_fringilla) - Fringilla Vigo, additem (gwint_card_gargoyle) - Gargoyle, additem (gwint_card_grave_hag) - Graveyard woman, additem (gwint_card_havekar_nurse) - Healer havekar (1), additem (gwint_card_havekar_nurse2) - Doctor havekar (2), additem (gwint_card_havekar_nurse3) - Doctor havekar (3), additem (gwint_card_puttkammer) - Puttkammer, additem (gwint_card_renuald) - Renuald Aep Mattsen, additem (gwint_card_riordain) - Riordain, additem (gwint_card_toruviel) - Toruviel, additem (gwint_card_vanhemar) - Wangemar, additem (gwint_card_vrihedd_cadet) - Vrihedd cadet, additem (gwint_card_arachas) - Glavoglaz, additem (gwint_card_arachas2) - Glavoglaz (2), additem (gwint_card_arachas3) - Glavoglaz (3), additem (gwint_card_blue_stripes) - Blue stripes fighter (1), additem (gwint_card_blue_stripes2) - Blue stripes fighter (2), additem (gwint_card_blue_stripes3) - Blue stripes fighter (3), additem (gwint_card_botchling) - Igosha, additem (gwint_card_bruxa) - Brooks vampires, additem (gwint_card_cahir) - Cahir Mawr, additem (gwint_card_crone_brewess) - Witch cook, additem (gwint_card_crone_weavess) - Spinner witch, additem (gwint_card_crone_whispess) - Whisper Witch, additem (gwint_card_dandelion) - Buttercup, additem (gwint_card_dennis) - Dennis Cranmer, additem (gwint_card_dijkstra) - Dijkstra, additem (gwint_card_dol_dwarf) - Dwarf skirmisher (1), additem (gwint_card_dol_dwarf2) - Dwarf skirmisher (2), additem (gwint_card_dol_dwarf3) - Dwarf skirmisher (3), additem (gwint_card_ekkima) - Ekimma vampires, additem (gwint_card_emiel) - Emiel Regis, additem (gwint_card_fleder) - Vampire fleder, additem (gwint_card_forktail) - Forktail, additem (gwint_card_frightener) Pugach, additem (gwint_card_garkain) - Garkain vampires, additem (gwint_card_ghoul2) - Ghoul (2), additem (gwint_card_ghoul3) - Ghoul (3), additem (gwint_card_havekar_support) - Support for havekar (1), additem (gwint_card_havekar_support2) Havekar support (2), additem (gwint_card_havekar_support3) - Support for havekar (3), additem (gwint_card_impera_brigade) - Emperor's Brigade (1), additem (gwint_card_impera_brigade2) - Emperor's Brigade (2), additem (gwint_card_impera_brigade3) - Emperor's Brigade (3), additem (gwint_card_impera_brigade4) - Emperor's Brigade (4), additem (gwint_card_katakan) - Katakan vampires, additem (gwint_card_mahakam) - Mahakam volunteers (1), additem (gwint_card_mahakam2) - Mahakam volunteers (2), additem (gwint_card_mahakam3) - Mahakam volunteers (3), additem (gwint_card_mahakam4) - Mahakam volunteers (4), additem (gwint_card_mahakam5) - Mahakam volunteers (5), additem (gwint_card_morteisen) - Mortesein, additem (gwint_card_nausicaa) - Cavalry of Nausicaa (1), additem (gwint_card_nausicaa2) - Cavalry Nausicaa (2), additem (gwint_card_nausicaa3) Nauzicaa Cavalry (3), additem (gwint_card_nekker) - Naker (1), additem (gwint_card_nekker2) - Naker (2), additem (gwint_card_nekker3) - Naker (3), additem (gwint_card_plague_maiden) - Plague maiden, additem (gwint_card_poor_infantry) - Fucking infantry (1), additem (gwint_card_poor_infantry2) - Fucking infantry (2), additem (gwint_card_poor_infantry3) - Fucking infantry (3), additem (gwint_card_rainfarn) - Rainfarn, additem (gwint_card_siegfried) - Siegfried, additem (gwint_card_stefan) - Stefan Skellen, additem (gwint_card_stennis) - Prince Stennis, additem (gwint_card_vattier) - Vatie De Rideau, additem (gwint_card_villen) - Willitertenmeter, additem (gwint_card_werewolf) - Volkolak, additem (gwint_card_young_emissary) - Young envoy (1), additem (gwint_card_young_emissary2) - Young envoy (2), additem (gwint_card_zoltan) - Zoltan Chivay, Cat (1/0) - Activate / Deactivate Night Vision, Drunk (1/0) - Activate / deactivate drunk state, cleardevelop - Reset character (you will look like at the beginning of the game and everything in your inventory will disappear), setlevel (*) - Set the desired level (write the desired level in brackets), addexp (*) - Add experience (write the required amount of experience in brackets). killall - Extermination of enemies in active combat, replace player("Siri") - Changes Geralt to Ciri, These commands will allow you to change the decisions you made earlier, which you later regretted;). You can now start using codes. spawn (ciri) Spawn Ciri in front of you. appearance (__ q505_hooded_02) Ciri in a cape on her shoulders without a hood. It's not a pretty sight. Water hag decoction is a potion in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt . Use fadein to fade the screen back. When creatures injure a witcher, the witcher's blood deals temporary damage to them, and also knocks these creatures back. Valve Corporation. Allows you to see in the dark, and also gives immunity to hypnosis. Frank Warren Woman, Ultimate. Content posted in this community. In the next step witcher 3 console commands, the mod file will automatically open in windows explorer in the same file. Between the mill and the deserter camp in the White Garden, there is a place with a herd of cows or a herd of wild horses, kill them and skin them. Increases toxicity by 25. TOP 10 - Best computer Gaming Desk | Sign In. Turkey Lurkey Time, additem (q101_hendrik_trapdoor_key) - Hendrik's Key, additem (q202_navigator_horn) - Hornval Horn, additem (q103_botch_blood) - Igosha's blood, additem (q103_talisman) - Wooden amulet, additem (q104_oillamp) - Nichhalena's eye, additem (q105_johnnys_doll) - Sealed bottle, additem (q105_ravens_feather) - Raven feather, additem (q105_ritual_dagger) - Ritual stiletto, additem (q105_soltis_ear) - Headman's ear, additem (q105_witch_bones) - Woman remains, additem (q106_magic_communicator) - Xenovox, additem (q106_anabelle_remains) - Remains of Anabelle, additem (q106_anabelle_vial) - Elixir bottle, additem (q109_popiels_formula) - Alexander's notes, additem (q111_fugas_top_key) - Key from the fox mountain, additem (q111_falkas_coin) - Oren troublemaker, additem (q111_imlerith_acorn) - Magic acorn, additem (q203_broken_eyeofloki) - Broken Ouroboros mask, additem (q203_chest_key) - Basement key, additem (q206_wine_sample) - Leftover honey, additem (q206_herb_mixture) - Herbs of Hjert, additem (q210_avallach_notes_01) - Notes on the death of Oberon, additem (q210_avallach_notes_02) - Quarantine successes, additem (q210_avallach_lover_notes) - Tales and legends about people, additem (q301_rose_remembrance) - Rose of memory, additem (q301_triss_parcel) - Leather bundle, additem (q301_magic_rat_incense) - Magic incense, additem (q302_estate_key) - Junior bastard hide key, additem (q001_bedroom_key) - Bedroom key, additem (q302_ring_door_key) - Igor's key, additem ('q303_bomb_fragment') - Fragment of a silver cylinder, additem (q303_wine_bottle) - Wine bottle, additem ('q305_dandelion_signet') - Pegasus seal, additem (q309_three_keys_combined) - Key, additem (q310_wine) - Aged wine from Toussaint, additem (q310_sewer_door_key) - Channel key, additem (q310_backdoor_key) - Stable key, additem (q401_triss_earring) - Triss Earring, additem (q401_trial_key_ingredient_a) - Forktail liquor, additem (q401_trial_key_ingredient_b) Manticore poison glands, additem (q401_trial_key_ingredient_c) - Albino Brooks tongue, additem (q401_bucket_and_rag) - Bucket and rag, additem (yennefers_omelette) - Omelet for Enifer, additem (yennefers_omelette_fantasie) - Olem a la Geralt of Rivia, additem (q401_disgusting_meal) - Disgusting food, additem (q401_avallachs_wisp) - Magic firefly, additem (sq101_safe_goods) - Package for Keira, additem (sq107_vault_key) - Vepl's house key, additem (sq108_smith_tools) - First-class blacksmith tools, additem (sq108_acid_gland) - Archigryphon poison gland, additem (sq201_werewolf_meat) - Wolfdog Meat, additem (sq201_rotten_meat) - Rotting meat, additem (sq201_cursed_jewel) - Cursed fang, additem (sq201_padlock_key) - Key to the lock, additem (sq201_chamber_key) - Temple key, additem (sq202_half_seal) - Broken seal, additem (sq204_wolf_heart) - Wolf heart, additem (sq204_leshy_talisman) - Devil's talisman, additem (sq205_fernflower_petal) - Blossom flower, additem (sq205_moonshine_spirit) - Skellig spirit, additem (sq302_crystal) - Polished crystal, additem (sq305_conduct) - Redan road certificate, additem (sq305_trophies) - Squirrel tail, additem (mq0002_box) - Chest with goods, additem (mq0003_ornate_bracelet) - Ornament bracelet, additem (mq0004_thalers_monocle) - Broken monocle, additem (mq0004_frying_pan) - Cast iron frying pan, additem (mq1001_dog_collar) - Dog collar, additem (mq1002_artifact_1) - Lizard figurine, additem (mq1002_artifact_2) - Bull figurine, additem ('mq1002_artifact_3') - Snake figurine, additem (mq1050_dragon_root) - Dragon root, additem (cg100_barons_notes) - Baron's notes, additem (cg300_roches_list) - Roche's notes, additem (mq0003_girls_diary) - Yellowed diary, additem (mq0004_burnt_papers) - Burnt papers, additem (mq1001_locker_diary) - Notes of the hermit Drusus, additem (mq1002_aeramas_journal) - Notes of the sorcerer Aerams, additem (mq1002_aeramas_journal_2) - The last entry of the sorcerer Aerams, additem (mq1015_hang_man_note) - Letter from the wife of the Nilfgaardian, additem (mq1014_old_mine_journal) - Notes of a bricklayer, additem (sq205_brewing_instructions) - Letter of the distiller, additem (sq205_brewmasters_log) - Distiller diary, additem (sq210_gog_book) - Gottfried Global Lockpicks, additem (sq304_ledger_book) - Checkbook, additem (sq302_philippa_letter) - Letter to Philippe, additem (sq303_robbery_speech) - Script, additem (sq306_sacha_letter) - Letter from Cantarella, additem (sq102_dolores_diary) - Diary of Readon Dolores, additem (sq102_huberts_diary) - Diary of Hubert of the Readon clan, additem (sq102_loose_papers) - Hubert's farewell letter, additem (sq106_manuscript) - Letter on expensive paper, additem (sq106_hammond_whereabouts) - Hammond's order, additem (sq201_ship_manifesto) - Morkvarg's diary, additem (sq202_book_1) - The power of the primary elements, additem (mq2001_horn) - Blackhand Holger's Horn, additem (mq2002_sword) - A solid Skellig sword, additem (mq2037_drakkar_chest_key) - Key from the chest, additem (mq2038_headsman_sword) - Sword of the Horned Hoskud, additem (mq2048_stone_medalion) - Stone medallion, additem (mq2048_ships_logbook) - Ship log book, additem (mq3012_noble_statuette) - Jade figurine, additem (mq3012_soldier_statuette) - Jade figurine, additem ('mq3031_mother_of_pearl') - Black Pearl, additem (mq3035_philppa_ring) - Vizimir's ring, additem (mq2041_dexterity_token) - Eaten test of agility badge, additem (mq2043_conviction_token) - Sign of the passed warrior path test, additem (mq4003_siren_ring) - Silver algae ring, additem (mq4003_husband_ring) - Round ring, additem (mq4004_boy_remains) - Boy's remains, additem (mh103_killers_knife) - Killer knife, additem (mh106_hags_skulls) - Skulls of a graveyard woman, additem (mh107_fiend_dung) - Imp litter, additem (mh307_minion_lair_key) - Basement key, additem ('mh308_dagger') - Silver stiletto, additem (vivaldis_bill_of_exchange) - Bill of exchange, additem (q001_letter_from_yenn) - Letter from Yenifer, additem (q001_academic_book) - Unfinished book, additem (q002_yenn_notes_about_ciri) - Letter to Yenifer, additem (q101_hendrik_notes) - Hendrik's notes, additem (q101_candle_instruction) - Note, additem (q103_letter_from_graden_1) - Letter to Tamara, additem (q103_letter_from_graden_2) - Mysterious letter, additem (q103_nilfgaardian_demand) - Nilfgaardian demand, additem (q103_about_eve) - Letter to the witch, additem (q103_love_letter) - Love letter, additem (q103_curse_book) - Unclear nature of curses, additem (q103_safe_conduct) - Redanian travel certificate, additem (q103_baron_dagger) - Baron's dagger, additem (q104_cure_recipe) - Warming ointment recipe, additem (q104_eye_ink_recipe) - Mascara recipe, additem (q104_aleksander_letter) - Letter to Alexander, additem (q104_avallach_notes) - Notes of the one who knows, additem (q104_avallach_poetry) - White cold field, additem (q105_book_about_witches) - Mistresses of the forest, additem (q105_marabella_receptions) - Newcomers to Ms Marabella's shelter, additem (q106_note_from_keira) - Letter from Keira, additem (q106_alexander_notes_01) - Alexander's diary h 1, additem (q106_alexander_notes_02) - Alexander's diary pt 2, additem (q206_arits_letter) - Letter to druid Aritsu, additem (q206_arnvalds_letter) - Letter to Arnwald, additem (q210_letter_for_emhyr) - Letter from Yenifer to Emhyr, additem ('q301_drawing_crib') - Cradle drawing, additem ('q301_drawing_oven') - Furnace drawing, additem (q302_zdenek_contract) - Certificate, additem (q302_igor_note) - Message from Igor, additem (q302_roche_letter) - Mysterious letter, additem (q302_dijkstras_notes) - Dikstra's Notes, additem (q302_rico_thugs_notes) - List of debtors, additem (q302_casino_register) - Income and expense book, additem (q302_crafter_notes) - Balton Dubis's notes, additem (q302_whoreson_letter_to_radowid) - Letter from the bastard junior to Radovid, additem (q303_note_for_ciri) - Mysterious note, additem (q303_dudus_briefing) - Letter to Dudu, additem (q303_contact_note) - Letter to Caleb Menge, additem (q303_marked_bible) - The sacred book of Caleb Menge, additem (q304_dandelion_diary) - Buttercup's daily book, additem (q201_yen_journal_1) - Yennifer's Diary, additem (q201_poisoned_source) - Poisoned source, additem (q201_wild_hunt_book) - Skellige's legend about the wild hunt, additem (q201_mousesack_letter) - Myshovur's correspondence, additem (q201_criminal) - Corpse from Novigrad, additem (q304_letter_1) - Letter from the admirer, additem (q304_letter_2) - Letter from Frann, additem (q304_letter_3) - Letter from Dogumil De Rabbe, additem (q304_dandelion_ballad) - Ballads, additem (q304_priscilla_letter) - Letter to Buttercup, additem (q304_ambasador_letter) - Diplomatic report, additem (q304_rosa_lover_letter) - Love letter, additem (q305_script_drama_title1) - Substitute saved, additem ('q305_script_drama_title2') - Doppler removal, additem (q305_script_comedy_title1) - Substitute rescued or the witcher's triumph, additem ('q305_script_comedy_title2') - Doppler removal, additem (q305_script_for_irina) - Copy of the piece for Madame Irene, additem (q308_coroner_msg) - Message for Hubert Reik, additem (q308_sermon_1) - First sermon of an indifferent, additem (q308_sermon_2) - Second sermon of the partial, additem (q308_sermon_3) - Third sermon of the partial, additem (q308_sermon_4) - The fourth sermon of the partial, additem (q308_sermon_5) - Fifth Sermon of a Caring One, additem (q308_psycho_farewell) - Letter from Hubert Reik, additem (q308_vegelbud_invite) - Letter found on the body of Joris Aquinus, additem ('q308_priscilla_invite') - Letter found on the carpenter's body, additem (q308_anneke_invite) - Letter from the killer, additem (q308_last_invite) - Letter found on the victim's body, additem (q308_nathanel_sermon_1) - Nathaniel's sermon, additem (sq101_shipment_list) - Missing merchant letter, additem (q309_note_from_varese) - Crumpled letter, additem (q309_witch_hunters_orders) - Witch hunter orders, additem (q309_glejt_from_dijkstra) - Eternal flame security certificate, additem (q309_mssg_from_triss) - A nuisance note, additem (q309_key_letters) - Treasure letter, additem (q310_journal_notes_1) - Notes of the sorcerer's poyamanngo, additem (q310_journal_notes_2) - List of prisoners, additem (q311_lost_diary1) - Ervil's diary, additem (q311_lost_diary2) - Diary of the city secretary, additem (q311_lost_diary3) - Anna's notes, additem (q311_lost_diary4) - Notes of the traveler, additem (q401_yen_journal_2) - Notes of Yenifer, additem (q403_treaty) - Northern wars world of lies and half-truths, additem (q110_bill_of_exchange) - Imperial bill, additem (q310_yen_trinket) - Yennifer's magic trinket, additem (q310_explorer_note) - Discarded letter, additem (q505_nilf_diary_lost1) - Diary of a Nilfgardian, additem (q505_nilf_diary_lost2) - Nilfgard report, additem (Yennefers Dress) - Yennifer Pants, additem (an_skellige_map) - Guide to An Skellige, additem (ard_skellige_map) - Ard Skellige Guide, additem (faroe_map) - Guide to the Faroe Islands, additem (hindarsfjal_map) - Guide to Hindersfjal, additem (spikeroog_map) - Guide to Spikeroog, additem (Oil Lamp) - Lamp for perfume (other not Keira), additem (Illusion Medallion) - Eye of Nehalena, additem (q203_eyeofloki) - Ouroboros Mask, additem (Potestaquisitor) - Potestivisitor, additem (ciris_phylactery) - Phylacteria, additem (q403_ciri_meteor) - Activator from Triss, additem (mh107_czart_lure) - Lure to hell, addmisc - Items for quests (Keira's lamp, etc. This console command will set your character's head to the head with the specified ID. Bbk Mid Pipe, If need help enabling the console, click the button below: After enabling the debug console, press the ~ or F2 key on your keyboard to open it. Examples: 1 = 1 minute passes every second (default). Increases Toxicity by 20. Use meditation and wait a few more minutes for another herd to appear. 3 pieces. Once you've installed the enabler, press " ~ " to bring up the console. I've been into console commands for the last 10 years and love playing the games with them. This command sets the time of day to the specified time. Supplies you with one of each Gwent Card. Nice Guide. 3 pieces. additem (Glyph aard greater schematic) Greater Aard Glyph, additem (Glyph aard lesser schematic) Minor glyph of Aard, additem ('Glyph aard schematic') Glyph aard, additem (Glyph axii greater schematic) Greater axii glyph, additem (Glyph axii lesser schematic) Minor glyph Axia, additem (Glyph axii schematic) Glyph Axii, additem (Glyph igni greater schematic) Large Igni Glyph, additem (Glyph igni lesser schematic) Minor glyph Igni, additem (Glyph igni schematic) Glyph Igni, additem (Glyph infusion greater schematic) Large smoky glyph, additem (Glyph infusion lesser schematic) Small smoky glyph, additem (Glyph quen greater schematic) Quen's Greater Glyph, additem (Glyph quen lesser schematic) Quen's minor glyph, additem (Glyph quen schematic) Glyph Quen, additem (Glyph yrden greater schemati) Greater glyph Yrden, additem (Glyph yrden lesser schematic) Lesser glyph Yrden, additem ('Glyph yrden schematic') Yrden's Glyph, additem (Rune dazhbog lesser schematic) Small runestone dazhbog, additem (Rune dazhbog schematic) Rune kament dazhbog, additem (Rune devana greater schematic) Large Devan Runestone, additem (Rune devana lesser schematic) Small Devan Runestone, additem (Rune devana schematic) Rune devana schematic, additem (Rune elemental greater schematic) Large Chernobog Runestone, additem (Rune elemental lesser schematic) Small runestone chernobog, additem (Rune elemental schematic) Chernobog runestone, additem (Rune morana greater schematic) Large madder runestone, additem (Rune morana lesser schematic) Small madder runestone, additem (Rune morana schematic) Madder runestone, additem (Rune perun greater schematic) Large Perun Runestone, additem (Rune perun schematic) Runestone perun, additem (Rune stribog greater schematic) Large stibog runestone, additem (Rune stribog lesser schematic) Lesser stibog runestone, additem (Rune stribog schematic) Rune stribog schematic, additem (Rune svarog greater schematic) Large svarog runestone, additem (Rune svarog lesser schematic) Small svarog runestone, additem (Rune svarog schematic) Rune svarog schematic, additem (Rune triglav greater schematic) Large triglav runestone, additem (Rune triglav lesser schematic) Lesser triglav runestone, additem (Rune triglav schematic) Rune triglav, additem (Rune veles greater schematic) Large Veles Runestone, additem (Rune veles lesser schematic) Small Veles Runestone, additem (Rune veles schematic) Rune veles veles, additem (Rune zoria greater schematic) Large Dawn Runestone, additem (Rune zoria lesser schematic) Small Dawn Runestone, additem (Rune zoria schematic) Rune zoria schematic, additem (Runestone greater schematic) Large Runestone, additem (Runestone lesser schematic) Small Runestone, additem (Rune tvarog schematic) Curd, additem (Glyph warding lesser schematic) Minor glyph of defense, additem (Glyph warding schematic) Glyph of defense, additem (Glyph warding greater schematic) Greater defense glyph, additem (Glyph binding lesser schematic) Small binding glyph, additem (Glyph binding schematic) Glyph binding, additem (Glyph binding greater schematic) Large binding glyph, additem (Glyph reinforcement lesser schematic) Small enhancement glyph, additem (Glyph reinforcement schematic) Glyph enhancement, additem (Glyph reinforcement greater schematic) Large enhancement glyph, additem (Glyph mending lesser schematic) Minor glyph of convalescence, additem (Glyph mending schematic) Glyph of recovery, additem (Glyph mending greater schematic) Greater convalescence glyph, additem (Mutagen 1) Katakana decoction, additem (Mutagen 2) A decoction of the head eye, additem (Mutagen 3) Cockatrix decoction, additem (Mutagen 4) Archigryphon decoction, additem (Mutagen 5) Water woman decoction, additem (Mutagen 7) A decoction from Ekimma, additem (Mutagen 9) Mistmaker decoction, additem (Mutagen 10) Wyvern decoction, additem (Mutagen 11) Doppler decoction, additem (Mutagen 12) Troll decoction, additem (Mutagen 14) Succubus decoction, additem (Mutagen 15) Algul decoction, additem (Mutagen 17) Forktail decoction, additem (Mutagen 18) A decoction from a graveyard woman, additem (Mutagen 21) Echidna decoction, additem (Mutagen 22) Ancient wood goblin decoction, additem (Mutagen 23) Basilisk infusion, additem (Mutagen 24) Volkolak decoction, additem (Mutagen 25) Warrior's naker broth, additem (Mutagen 26) Devil decoction, additem (Mutagen 27) Griffin decoction, additem (Mutagen 28) A decoction of the tranquilizer, additem (Greater mutagen red) Big red mutagen, additem (Greater mutagen green) Big green mutagen, additem (Greater mutagen blue) Big blue mutagen, additem (Mutagen green) Green mutagen, additem (Lesser mutagen red) Small red mutagen, additem (Lesser mutagen green) Small green mutagen, additem (Lesser mutagen blue) Small blue mutagen, additem (Katakan mutagen) Katakana mutagen, additem (Arachas mutagen) Mutagen from the head eye, additem (Cockatrice mutagen ") Cockatrice mutagen, additem (Volcanic Gryphon mutagen) Archigryphon mutagen, additem (Gryphon mutagen) Griffin mutagen, additem (Water Hag mutagen) Water woman mutagen, additem (Nightwraith mutagen) Midnight mutagen, additem (Ekimma mutagen) Mutagen from Ekimma, additem (Czart mutagen) Mutagen from hell, additem (Fogling 1 mutagen) Fogling mutagen, additem (Wyvern mutagen) Wyvern mutagen, additem (Doppler mutagen) Doppler mutagen, additem (Troll mutagen) Troll mutagen, additem (Noonwraith mutagen) Midday mutagen, additem (Succubus mutagen) Succubus mutagen, additem (Fogling 2 mutagen) Strong nebulous mutagen, additem (Fiend mutagen) Mutagen from imp, additem (Forktail mutagen) Forktail mutagen, additem (Grave Hag mutagen) Ghost mutagen, additem (Wraith mutagen) Ghost mutagen, additem (Dao mutagen) Earth elemental mutagen, additem (Lamia mutagen) Echidna mutagen, additem (Ancient Leshy mutagen) Mutagen from an ancient goblin, additem (Basilisk mutagen) Basilisk mutagen, additem (Werewolf mutagen) Wolfdog mutagen, additem (Nekker Warrior mutagen) Mutagen from the warrior's naker, additem (Leshy mutagen) The mutagen from the goblin, _quest__bear_grizzly_honey - grizzly berserker, _quest__endriaga_spiral - sand worm (endriaga), _quest__miscreant_greater - Igosha (transformed), _quest__noonwright_pesta - pestilent maiden, arachas_lvl2__armored - armored head eye 26, arachas_lvl3__poison - poisonous head eye 31, elemental_dao_lvl3 __ ice ice elemental 30, endriaga_lvl1__worker endriaga - worker 9, endriaga_lvl3__spikey endriaga - drone 30, gravehag_barons_wife - Anna (woman) hostile 10, wildhunt_minion_lvl2 - Wild Hunt Hound 27, projectile_rift - A hole in the ground from a projectile, projectile_rift2 - A hole in the ground from a projectile (option 2). 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